Porterville Unified School District (PUSD) offers a variety of Pathways through their Linked Learning program.
In their own words: The Linked Learning Approach used at our district-wide pathways transforms student’s high school experience by bringing together:
Challenging Academics
Technical Skills
Work-based Learning
Student Support
Through our Pathways (smaller learning communities), Linked Learning has become the engine to drive this high school reform. It delivers what our high school students need: academic preparation for college and career skills for success in the real world. Students are treated like adults and work as a team with teachers, businesses technical experts and mentors. They study through the lens of a career theme that interests them, learning challenging academics blended with demanding technical skills, while getting real world experience.
“The Engineering Academy at Harmony is designed to give students a four-year high school hands-on learning experience focusing on the many facets of S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education. The Engineering courses coupled with the College Preparatory core courses provide all students with skills to be college and career ready upon graduation. The program is divided into eight rigorous, relevant and reality-based courses.”
Introduction to Engineering Design
Digital Electronics
Principles of Engineering
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Biotechnical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Engineering Design and Development
Find out more: https://pathways.portervilleschools.org/apps/pages/AOE
Here are some video stills from the video above:
Porterville Unified School District | Linked Learning Pathways | Academy of Engineering (AOE) | Evermoore Films
Porterville Unified School District | Linked Learning Pathways | Academy of Engineering (AOE) | Evermoore Films